Is there still a Stout Drought?

In years past Stouts were considered cold weather beverages.  The summer months were reserved for the IPA crowd and the Stout lovers had to wait for the temperatures 2018-08-05_15-05-13_185to cool before the tasty dark elixir made a triumphant return to the shelves and taps. Thankfully for those who consider themselves Stout aficionados, the annual “Stout Drought” is being eliminated (or at least is shrinking) and we have the craft beer industry to thank!  As more local craft beer brewers enter the market, they are listening to their customers –  we want Stouts year round – and they are obliging!  All you have to do is look at social media…..there are weekly Stout releases and although we can’t be everywhere to take advantage of each release, just knowing they are out there tells me the Stout market is alive and well, even in the summer months!  So go ahead and drink that Stout on a hot summer day!


Published by stoutwhisperer

I am a regular guy with an irregular affinity for all things Stout related. I enjoy sampling, reviewing and writing about Stouts for my blog,

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