Funky Carolina? North Buddha?

North Carolina has been the fortunate recipient recently of a number of breweries who have expanded their distribution footprint into the Southeast.  Cigar City and Firestone Walker have started sharing their lineup and the next one sharing their bottles, cans, and taps is none other than Funky Buddha Brewery from Oakland Park Florida, just northContinue reading “Funky Carolina? North Buddha?”

Love that Maple!

I’m a big fan of maple syrup….the smell, the taste, the romanticism about tapping a tree and letting the sap drain into a bucket.  All in all, it’s quite a wonderful nectar of nature. Not surprisingly, maple has become the adjunct du jour in the Stout world, and frankly, I’m thrilled.  The addition of mapleContinue reading “Love that Maple!”

Stout and about…..

A few random observations: -I’m in the middle of my first beer trading “damaged shipment”.  I sent a full 6 shipper from North Carolina to California, had it refilled and it was sent back to NC by one of my good trading partners.  It made it all the way cross country back to western NorthContinue reading “Stout and about…..”