2016 – a Stoutstanding year!

The end of every calendar year brings a certain amount of rear view mirror reflection and windshield resolutions.  This year is no different.  I tend to look back, take stock of successes, failures, and learnings, and commit to improvement during the coming year.  As I look back at my stout life in 2016, this wasContinue reading “2016 – a Stoutstanding year!”

Trading Stouts

The concept of beer trading is an interesting one.  While there are many online websites that discuss the how-to’s and enable trading, I want to spend a few minutes discussing the  emotions of a trade.  The basic premise to trading is to use your inventory to acquire beers that you otherwise couldn’t get, either becauseContinue reading “Trading Stouts”

Back from the summer Stout Drought!

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted….sometimes life gets in the way!  I think I had my own “stout drought” with this blog!  With the release of Founder’s Breakfast Stout, I took the opportunity to rededicate myself to posting on a more regular basis, which should be easier with stout season soon to be upon us.Continue reading “Back from the summer Stout Drought!”

A Stout Drought in Germany

  Last week Mrs. Stoutwhisperer and I traveled to Munich, Germany to visit our son.  While we were there, we took a quick trip over the Alps to spend a weekend in Venice, Italy.   We were able to visit a couple of famous beer meccas in Munich, the Augustiner Keller and the Hofbrauhaus.  TheyContinue reading “A Stout Drought in Germany”


Brewpublik is a new business venture that has entered the Raleigh market within the past few months.  They cut their teeth in Charlotte, then have expanded into Raleigh.  Brewpublik provides a customized craft beer delivery service based on a taste profile you create on their website.  Based on your profile, they then select craft beersContinue reading “Brewpublik”

Stout and About

A great weekend of good tastings: Friday evening we went to our local Brixx pizza.  Brixx is known for their excellent pizza but they also have a pretty good craft beer selection.  Friday they happened to have Sweetwater Dank Tank Pulled Pork Porter on tap.  I asked for a taste, which they always are happyContinue reading “Stout and About”